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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Understanding carers

Carer Facts – why investing in carers matters by NHS England is a report on carer facts and why investing in carers matters, which includes information on the health risks attributed to a lack of support for carers

Key facts and figures about caring by Carers UK provides key facts and figures about caring in the UK, including information on the financial pressure that carers are facing

What challenges do carers experience? by NICE provides information on the challenges experienced by carers in the UK.

The hidden value of unpaid carers: a conversation with Fatima Khan-Shah (The King's Fund podcast)
What are the risks of under-valuing unpaid carers? How can the health and care system better support them? Helen McKenna talks with Fatima Khan-Shah about her personal experience as a carer, her leadership journey, and the importance of being your authentic self at work. Fatima is Programme Director for Unpaid Carers and the Personalised Care Programme for West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care System.

Carers health and wellbeing

Carers Mental and Physical Health by Iriss provides an evidence summary that provides an overview of carers' mental and physical health, with additional focus on finances and employment.

Supporting yourself while caring for someone by Mind includes information on difficult feelings and experiences such as stress, isolation, and frustration, as well as tips on looking after your mental health and finding support.

Increased Strain on Carers by The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is a report on the increased strain on carers, which includes information on the top three challenges most frequently highlighted by unpaid carers in a Carers UK survey, including negative impacts on their physical and mental health.

My Own Health and Wellbeing by Carers Support Centre talks about the importance of carers looking after their own health, both physical and emotional, and building in time for themselves. The page provides information and tips on how carers can take care of their own wellbeing, including getting enough sleep, eating well, staying active, and finding support. It also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the impact of caring on mental health and seeking help when needed.

Inclusive healthcare for carers

Caring in a complex world - Perspectives from unpaid carers and the organisations that support them by The King's Fund

Carers Information and Support Service by NHS: The Carers' Information and Support Service (CISS) is a service dedicated to supporting carers, i.e a person who looks after another adult or child with a chronic long-term illness or disability. The disability may be mental or physical or both.

Support and benefits for carers by NHS includes carer's assessments, support from local councils, respite care and help for young carers.

Social care and support guide: If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this website explains your options and where you can get support.

Benefits for carers: You might not think of yourself as a carer. But you probably are if you're looking after someone regularly, including your spouse or a family member, because they're ill or disabled.
As a carer, you may be entitled to one or more state benefits to help you with the costs.

Learning and Training

Barts Healt NHS Trust five staff diversity networks organise regular events and courses that covers every aspect of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. For more details on how to join and attend future events and training, please click here.

eLearning for Healthcre offers a range of courses:

Useful Resources

Barts Health Carers Passport: The purpose of the passport is to enable a carer and their manager to hold a supportive conversation which documents the flexibilities needed to support the carer in combining caring and work.

Support and Benefits for Carers by NHS: Includes carer's assessments, support from local councils, respite care and help for young carers.

CarersUK: UK's only national membership charity for carers. Carers UK is both a supportive community and a movement for change.

Minded for Families - I'm a carer and I'm stressed out

NHS Social care and support guide:If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this website explains your options and where you can get support.