We have curated these resources to help you with peer observation (peer review) of training. They are organised by the time it will take to complete them so you can plan your time accordingly.
There are three different forms for different types of peer observation and two short (less than 10 minutes) videos showing example peer observation conversations.
An episode of the Teachers Aid podcast focused on peer observation of teaching. Although this is a podcast focused on teaching in schools, the principles apply to any teaching context.
A comprehensive guide to conducting peer observation from the Cambridge Assessment International Education team. Although aimed at school teachers the principles are the same for teachers in other areas.
An episode of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast focused on peer review of teaching. Although this is a podcast focused on teaching in higher education, the principles apply to any teaching context.
You can request this book via the Barts Health NHS Trust Library and Knowledge Services. You will need to request it via InterLibrary Loan. Click on the title to find nstructions on how to do this.