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Equality, diversity and inclusion

Inclusive healthcare for people of all faiths

Scottish Inter Faith Council and the Scottish Government’s Health and Wellbeing’s Fair:
Religion and Belief Matter - An Information Resource for Healthcare Staff

Influencing & Supporting Religious Identity in the NHS through Faith Competency. Report by Dr. YingFei Gao Héliot

Cultural Religious Competence In Clinical Practice by Diana L. et al.:The diversity of religion within our world's population brings challenges for health care providers and systems to deliver culturally competent medical care. Cultural competence is the ability of health providers and organizations to deliver health care services that meet the cultural, social, and religious needs of patients and their families. Culturally competent care can improve patient quality and care outcomes. Strategies to move health professionals and systems towards these goals include providing cultural competence training and developing policies and procedures that decrease barriers to providing culturally competent patient care. This activity highlights the importance of cultural competence in clinical medicine and its consequences.

Cultural and religious needs of people with dementia by the Social Care Institute for Excellence: Find out about a person’s cultural and religious background.

Faith and religion at work

Faith equality in medicine: The BMA guidance on supporting colleagues of all faiths in the workplace.Spiritual Care - A multi-faith resource for Healthcare Staff.

Religion, dress codes and chaplaincy (NHS Employers): Guidance and resources to help NHS organisations manage religious diversity within their workplace.

Religious Identity and Working in the NHS by Yingfei Gao Héliot: This report is an analysis of a systematic review of the past 30 years (1989-2019) of research into religious identity in the NHS, drawing from a focus group of NHS doctors, chaplains, HR managers, and a workshop of a diverse NHS staff members.

Learning and training

Barts Healt NHS Trust five staff diversity networks organise regular events and courses that covers every aspect of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. For more details on how to join and attend future events and training, please click here.

NHS Education for Scotland - Spiritual Care A multi-faith resource for healthcare staff

Useful resources

Office from Health Improvement and Disparities - Culture, spirituality and religion: migrant health guide
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners.

Public Health, Religion, and Spirituality Network: Connect with professionals and academics who are learning together about why and how religion and spirituality matter for the field of public health.