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Books | eBooks

The library's collection of print and electronic books cover many areas of dentistry and healthcare. Our collection is constantly updated in line with user recommendations and the release of new editions.

You must be a member of the library if you wish to borrow a book; Register to join online. Search our catalogue to find the books you need, as well as: check item availability and locations, request or reserve titles and manage your existing loans. Books can be sent to any Barts Health site for collection and all library sites have a book return box, so you can return books at a time that suits you.

Cover of Scully's Medical Problems in Dentistry
Cover of Treatment planning in dentistry
Cover of Mosby's dental drug reference
Cover of On-Call in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Cover of Endodontics
Cover of Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub is the simplest way to search our book catalogue, journal subscriptions and many of our other library collections. Use this search box to find books, e-books, articles and much more.

Can't find what you are looking for? We can also borrow books from other NHS libraries on your behalf. If you can't find what you are looking for please fill in the book request form. To recommend a book for the collection, email us at


Journals | e-journals

Our journal collection covers most aspects of dentistry and wider healthcare. Most journal holdings are accessible via Browzine. An OpenAthens account is required to read full text.


BrowZine is a web and mobile app which allows you to search, read, and monitor your favourite journals, making it easier to keep up to date with the latest research in your area of practice. Create a BrowZine 'My Bookshelf' account to organise and track your favourite journals and to seemlessly sync between the web and your mobile device. 
Access: NHS OpenAthens account

If you are looking for a specific article but it is not included in one of our journal subscriptions, please complete the article request form.

Selected titles

Self development collection

In addition to our clinical titles, a wide range of personal development books to help you with your career and wellbeing. These books cover everything from leadership to mindfulness.

  • Bookboon Popular
    Bookboon is a ‘soft skills’ eLibrary with access to over 800 free eBooks and audiobooks written by professionals with a wide range of categories including: career management, communication and presentation, management and strategy, Microsoft Office software and personal development.

    To access Bookboon (the Soft Skills eLibrary), click the image above (Barts Staff login required) and scroll down to find the same image under 'Soft skills elibrary'.

If you have issues accessing any eBook content or if the link to an ebook does not work, please contact us.