Returning to study after some time away can feel daunting, the following resources have been selected to help you to better understand what skills you will need to develop when returning to study. These books have tips on how to study effectively and guide readers through the process of how to make the most out studying and using resources.
In addition to our clinical titles, a wide range of personal development books to help you with your career and wellbeing. These books cover everything from leadership to mindfulness.
To access Bookboon (the Soft Skills eLibrary), click the image above (Barts Staff login required) and scroll down to find the same image under 'Soft skills elibrary'.
If you have issues accessing any eBook content or if the link to an ebook does not work, please contact us.
Do you want to help our patients to better understand, access and use health information so they can make informed decisions about their health? Health Literacy Awareness training offers healthcare professionals an opportunity to better understand what health literacy is. In this 1-hour session, participants will learn how health literacy affects health outcomes and primarily how limited health literacy can lead to poorer health outcomes. You will also discover tools, techniques and resources to use in practice to support those with limited health literacy. This course is aimed at anyone with a role in providing information to patients and carers, or who has a responsibility in planning and shaping services.
Qualifications supported
Sessions run from 1 - 2pm on the last Thursday of every month. Book onto a session by contacting the library team at