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Continuing Professional Development

CPD and revalidation are priority concerns for all health care practitioners and the library has access to a number of resources to support you to capture evidence and build your portfolio.

As well as the resources covered here the library offer a number of training course in literature searching and critical appraisal which can be recorded as CPD activities.

If you have a question regarding anything you see in this guide please contact us at

Professional bodies and associations

Many professional bodies provide resources to help with professional development. Click on the heading to see a list of relevant professional bodies. 

Many professional associations provide resources for professional development.

e Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists (ARCS), a professional body run by Reproductive Scientists supporting the needs and research and development interests of those involved in reproductive sciences in

Reflective practice

Reflective practice is a way of studying an experience you have had to understand what happened, as well as exploring your own actions and thinking, allowing you to identify changes to improve the way you work. Reflective practice gives health professionals who want to carry on learning throughout their working lives the tools to improved performance.

Cover of A-Z of Reflective Practice
Cover of Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare
Cover of Becoming a Reflective Practitioner
Cover of Developing Reflective Practice
Cover of Reflective Practice in Nursing
Cover of Law, Ethics and Professional Issues for Nursing
