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Nurses and midwives

Revalidation and CPD resources

Preceptorship resources

Reflective practice

Reflective practice is a way of studying an experience you have had to understand what happened, as well as exploring your own actions and thinking, allowing you to identify changes to improve the way you work. Reflective practice gives health professionals who want to carry on learning throughout their working lives the tools to improved performance.

A-Z of Reflective Practice
Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner
Developing Reflective Practice
Reflective Practice in Nursing
Law, Ethics and Professional Issues for Nursing


Study skills resources

Returning to study after some time away can feel daunting, the following resources have been selected to help you to better understand what skills you will need to develop when returning to study. These books have tips on how to study effectively and guide readers through the process of how to make the most out studying and using resources.