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Books | eBooks

The library's collection of print and electronic books cover many areas of clinical and healthcare topics. 

  • Search our catalogue to find the books you need, library members can also request or reserve titles and manage existing loans.
  • Books can be sent to any Barts Health site for collection and all library sites have a book return box, so you can return books at a time that suits you.

You must be a member of the library if you wish to borrow a book; use the online registration form or call into your nearest site library to join. 

Self development collection

In addition to our clinical titles, we also offer a number of books supporting staff wellbeing. A separate 'Reading Well' collection offers books on healthy lifestyles, stress management and personal effectiveness.

Find literature

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub allows you to search across all centrally purchased NHSE e-resources in addition to the subscriptions purchased for Barts Health. 

What this means is that you can search across almost all of our e-resources including e-books, articles, journals and multimedia content in one search and then refine your search until you find what you need.

Trip Pro

Trip Pro is a fantastic resource for find literature that allows you to easily filter articles by evidence type (e.g. clinical trials, guidelines). An OpenAthens account is required.

For a more in-depth search please see our searching guide.

eJournals via BrowZine - browse the ejournal collection

If you have a number of journals that you look at regularly we recommend using the BrowZine platform.

  1. Go to BrowZine.
  2. Select 'Barts Health' as your library.
  3. Search for your journal title.
  4. If an article is in our collection you will need to entre your OpenAthens credentials to access full text articles.
  5. If an article is not in our collection you will be offered a form to request full text articles via document supply from one of our partner libraries.

You can also register for a BrowZine account.  This will allow you to create a 'virtual bookshelf' for your favourite e-journals.

BrowZine is also available as an app.