The library's collection of print and electronic books cover many areas of clinical and healthcare topics.
You must be a member of the library if you wish to borrow a book; use the online registration form or call into your nearest site library to join.
In addition to our clinical titles, we also offer a number of books supporting staff wellbeing. A separate 'Reading Well' collection offers books on healthy lifestyles, stress management and personal effectiveness.
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub allows you to search across all centrally purchased NHSE e-resources in addition to the subscriptions purchased for Barts Health.
What this means is that you can search across almost all of our e-resources including e-books, articles, journals and multimedia content in one search and then refine your search until you find what you need.
Trip Pro is a fantastic resource for find literature that allows you to easily filter articles by evidence type (e.g. clinical trials, guidelines). An OpenAthens account is required.
For a more in-depth search please see our searching guide.
If you have a number of journals that you look at regularly we recommend using the BrowZine platform.
You can also register for a BrowZine account. This will allow you to create a 'virtual bookshelf' for your favourite e-journals.