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Speciality resources

The Green Book for travel health

The Green Book has the latest information on vaccines and vaccination procedures, for vaccine preventable infectious diseases in the UK

HIV Drug Interactions

Access free, comprehensive and user-friendly drug interaction charts.

Palliative Drugs provides essential independent information for health professionals about drugs used in palliative and hospice care. It includes unauthorized indications and routes, and details about the administration of multiple drugs by continuous subcutaneous infusion.


TOXBASE is the clinical toxicology database of the UK National Poisons Information Service. TOXBASE provides health professionals with advice on the features and management of poisoning of around 17,000 products and substances, together with information for chemical incidents, and monographs from the UK Teratology Information Service.

Specialist Pharmacy Service

The NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service supports medicines optimisation across the NHS. Its main purpose to improve the use of medicines to help people live longer, fuller lives.


Provides reliable, evidence-based, and accurate information about use of medicines in pregnancy, in the form of freely available patient information leaflets called 'Bumps' ('Best Use of Medicines in Pregnancy'). 

Drug tariff

NHS Prescription Services produces the Drug Tariff on a monthly basis on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care. It’s supplied primarily to pharmacists and GP practices.

The Drug Tariff outlines:

  • what will be paid to pharmacy contractors for NHS services provided either for reimbursement or for remuneration
  • rules to follow when dispensing
  • value of the fees and allowances you will be paid
  • drug and appliance prices you will be paid

Electronic Medicines Compendium (EMC)

The EMC contains up to date, easily accessible information about medicines licensed for use in the UK. emc has more than 14,000 documents, all of which have been checked and approved by either the UK or European government agencies which license medicines. These agencies are the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

UpToDate Lexidrug

Lexidrug provides point-of-care clinical information for the healthcare industry. Primarily focused on Pharmacotherapy, our knowledge areas include drug information, interactions, laboratory tests/diagnostic procedures, diagnostic medicine. App available to Barts users, please visit the trust intranet for download instructions and authorisation code.
Access: NHS OpenAthens account