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Cover image of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy
Cover image for Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Cover image of Hospital Pharmacy
Cover image of Dale and Appelbe's Pharmacy Law and Ethics
Cover image of Oxford specialist handbook : Pharmaceutical medicine

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub is the simplest way to search our book catalogue, journal subscriptions and many of our other library collections. Use this search box to find books, e-books, articles and much more.

Can't find what you are looking for? Click the 'Request a book' button and we will request a copy for you from another NHS library, subject to availability.


Pharmacy Journals

Our journal collection covers most aspects of pharmacy and wider healthcare. Most journal holdings are accessible via Browzine. An OpenAthens account is required to read full text.


BrowZine is a web and mobile app which allows you to browse our entire journal collection in one place. Read articles online and monitor your favourite journals by creating a BrowZine 'My Bookshelf' account, allowing seamless syncing between the web and your mobile device, making it easier to keep up to date with the latest research in your area of practice.
Access: NHS OpenAthens account


If you are looking for a specific article but it is not included in one of our journal subscriptions, click the 'Request an Article' button and we will request a copy for you from another NHS library, subject to availability