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NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub is the simplest way to find books, e-books, articles and much more. It is the best place to start your search.

If you are unsure how to conduct an effective literature search, contact us for 1:1 or group training on using databases or critically appraising literature. Alternatively, you can consult our online literature searching guide for self-directed learning resources.


Key Pharmacy Databases

If you don't find what you need in the Knowledge Hub, try searching one of the databases below.

You have access to the following databases either via your OpenAthens account or freely online.

Icon of a mobile phone indicating an app is available for this resource This image indicates that an app is available for this resource. Download it from the Apple, Android, or Windows app stores.

Want to find more? See our full list of available databases on our Database A-Z page.